Rise Of The Nazis

The leader was Adolph Hitler whom you see above, the others were his functionaries.

Basically, Adolf Hitler was the leader of Germany from 1933-1945. He tried to create what he thought was the "Perfect Race" and tried to eliminate anyone who didn't fit that description. He led Germany through WWII into most of their victories and to their defeat, too.he also put people in buildings where the gas would pour out of the ceiling and you know the people thought they were taking a bath and they would eventually suffocate.

Hitler come to power in many ways. He promised to undo the Versailes Treaty which Germany had to reparation to England and France. He also promised to to recomstore hope and the depression. Hitler also blamed the Jews for inflicting tragedy to Germany. The SS were like the police  but were actually milatary soldiers they enforced laws and watched over what the Jews were doing.Dr.Josef Mengele nicknamed the Angel of Death, at the Death Camps , and
the other Nazi doctors at the death camps tortured men, women and children and did medical experiments of unspeakable horror during the Holocaust. Victims were put into pressure chambers, tested with drugs, castrated, frozen to death. Children
were exposed to experimental surgeries performed without anesthesia, transfusions of blood from one to another, isolation endurance, reaction to various stimuli. The doctors made injections with lethal germs, sex change operations, removal of organs and limbs.He also did experments on twins to see if he could change their eye color.